Rapporter og videnskabelige artikler

Her finder du rapporter og videnskabelige artikler om hjemløses sundhed.

Masterprojekt: De Professionelle Hjemløse - Hjemløses Adfærd og selvopfattelse i et samfundsmæssigt perspektiv

Optimering af behandlingen af hjemløse med tuberkulose, 2010

Evalueringsrapport for Sundhedsprojektet, 2005

The behaviour and self-image of homeless people in a societal perspective

Biomedical research in health outreach services: does it make sense?

Cognitive dysfunction - do we acknowledge the difficulties?

Safya –A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Health of Homeless People in Europe

Harm reduction focusing on severe alcohol misuse in Copenhagen

Biological markers of problem drinking in homeless patients

Se abstract - hele artiklen kan fås ved henvendelse til SundhedsTeamet.

The Use of the ADHD Self-Rating Scale (ASRS-6) in the Homeless Psychometric Properties, Alcohol Use, and Self-Nurse Agreement

Link til abstract - hele artiklen kan fås ved henvendelse til SundhedsTeamet

Healthcare Cost Reductions after Moving into a Wet Nursing Home Stay—A Case Series

Whole genome sequencing reveals two genetically distinct MRSA outbreaks among people who inject drugs and homeless people in Copenhagen

Abstract for artiklen The CAGE as a Measure of Hazardous Drinking in the Homeless